Real heroes never fear. Real heroes laugh at death.
fire emblem three houses/three hopes blue lions oc.
Born on the 15th day of the Lone Moon, Ambrose was the youngest child of the ruling family of Sreng.Prior to the annexation of Sreng's southern half, a mysterious group infiltrated the leading clan of Sreng, killing and replacing Ambrose's parents shortly after. Not initially realizing the trick, his sister was taken from him, and Ambrose was experimented on using a lost crest stone, eventually fusing him to the bearer even more closely than Byleth and the Goddess. Having originally meant for him to be another cog in their plans, Ambrose's father left directions for his remaining supporters to send Ambrose to Gautier territory, under the pretext of improving relations between the regions. He's in search of his family, and seeks to purge Sreng of it's parasite, albeit not completely aware of his parent's true fate.

NAME: Ambrose Castor Rosenwynn
PRONUNCIATION: Am-Bro-S Kas-Tor Ro-Sen-Win
RACE: Mera (tigerkin)
GENDER: Male ( Trans )
AGE: 20 (start of game) 22 (three hopes) 25 (three houses)
SEXUALITY: pansexual (complicated, heavy male lean)
HEIGHT: 4′5" or 134cmBIRTHPLACE: Sreng
CURRENT RESIDENCE: Holy Kingdom of Faerghus
UNIT INFO: Major Crest of Chevalier / Brigand/Wyvern Rider > Wyvern Lord
PERSONAL ABILITY: Your Best Nightmare, increases physical damage and defense after defeating an enemy.PREFERRED GIFTS: Armored Bear Stuffy, All flowers, Watering can, Owl Feather, Legends of Chivalry, Floral Adornment, All Foods.
DISLIKED GIFTS: Book of Crest Designs, Riding Boots, Medicinal Eyedrops, Stylish Hairclip, Monarch Studies book, Goddess Statuette.
HOBBIES: Gardening, organizing, collecting dolls and toys to play with, learning and reading about herbs.LOST ITEMS: Encyclopedia of Empire Herbs, Well-Worn Pegasus Plush.PREFERRED TEA: Sweet-Apple Blend, Honeyed-Fruit Blend, Cinnamon Blend.ABILITIES: Bears the Crest stone of Chevalier as his heart, partially fusing him to the original bearer of the crest in a similar fashion to Byleth. Use of the crest causes pain.
FEARS: Excessive amounts of fresh blood, the scent of rotting flesh.

"Sreng is a wasteland punctuated by patches of rocky desert. It is home to a number of warlike clans. The entire peninsula was once called Sreng, but now only the northern half retains the name."Consisting of a collection of city states and clans, the current iteration of Sreng exists in a delicate harmony following the 12 years since the southern half of the peninsula was annexed. Some feel as if retaliation should be made against the Kingdom, with others unsure of if the remainder of the country can stand against another invasion. The current rulers seem more keen on continuing the conflict than resolving anything..The majority of people in Sreng speak a language rarely understood by people outside of Sreng, and many people within Sreng will not learn any form of common from Fodlan. This goes for spoken and written language within Sreng.The leadership of Sreng is determined with through various trials, representatives of each of the clans gathering together to compete for the leadership of the country. Considered the 'royalty' of Sreng for the remainder of the ruling, the clan who wins is given the titles of king, queen, etc; though the government of Sreng is not a true kingdom.
Being a collection of city states, most of the clans govern their own territories, though the ruling clan will make larger decisions for the greater collective.Currently, the remaining member of the former ruling family resides in Gautier territory, under the care of a minor lord and watch of Margrave Gautier.MERA
In the northwestern reaches of the peninsula, pockets of people called Mera live on the coastlines. Looking similar to tigers or leopards, their homes lie underwater, carefully crafted to allow for them to slip under the waves when unwanted visitors arrive.
The Mera are primarily carnivorous, and most consume seafood, with some trading the caught fish. With sharp claws and teeth, however, some have also scattered across Fodlan as sellswords making names for themselves.
Having previously been hunted for their tails, many Mera are wary or outright hostile to humans, but some have migrated into the more populated city states of Sreng.

1. Please respect my boundaries. If I tell you I won't do something, I won't, and that's final.
2. Please don't start getting on me for how I, a trans man, write my trans man character, unless it's literally unhealthy. If you are trans and uncomfortable with the account simply for aesthetic reasons, I advise you to block me and move on.
3. This account is based off an AU I thought would be fun to share. If you have a problem with it, block or mute me and move on. I completely understand how this account may come off as 'cringe' or otherwise. Yes, I have multiple Ambrose's across fandoms. Yes, I play them when I see fit.
4. I am extremely liberal with blocking people on all of my accounts. If you feel a blocking was completely unwarranted, you're free to send a message to my personal, @dwarvensatan, to address this.
5. I will not ship with minor muses or muns. I also will block minor muns. I make too much NSFW content for you, sorry.
6. don't fetishize ambys skin color, such as calling him food terms (chocolate, cocoa, etc) or focusing on his skin color as why you want him. this also applies to him being trans, if i see it i will ask you to stop, and likely block you. i don't want to deal with it.
7. i am korean/white and white passing for the most part irl, i do not look like ambrose, i am not as nice as ambrose. this is mostly here to say, for the love of god, I AM NOT AMBROSE. IF YOU START ACTING LIKE I AM HIM, OR TRYING TO PUT ME IN SITUATIONS WHERE YOU ARE TRYING TO DO THINGS TO ME I WILL HARDBLOCK YOU. JUST BECAUSE I PROJECT SOME OF MY OWN TRAUMA ONTO HIM DOES NOT MAKE ME HIM.
8. When it comes to dark themes, i have lots of boundaries, mainly i will not rp any dark sexual themes whatsoever, and am only willing to have torture themes be implied unless i very much know you, and i am generally uncomfortable with torture being done to ambrose in general, he's been through plenty. killing, maiming, and most other themes found in fire emblem are typically fine.
9. I don't rp cheating of any sort, and it upsets me if I'm pushed to. I don't mind if it's a loveless political marriage type situation, but otherwise am uninterested in the concept as an rp plot altogether. I also don't rp cucking, but I don't mind seeing it, and don't mind if it's brought up, so long as all parties involved are consenting adults.More added when necessary.